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Showing posts from 2025

Shepton Dales, Woodhaven and Parkhaven in Greenboro

In the late 1980s, Wedgewood Building Corporation started building a collection of five 4-story condominium buildings on Lorry Greenberg Drive. The first phase of this vision came to life as a trio of buildings called Shepton Dales. In the early 1990s, the developments continued with the addition of the Woodhaven and Parkhaven buildings. Unfortunately, while I am lucky enough to have the original plans for Shepton Dales, I do not have them for the other two buildings (just a price list and floor plate for Woodhaven). Ottawa Citizen. March 6, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. September 17, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. March 12, 1988 Ottawa Citizen. May 3, 1988 Ottawa Citizen. April 13, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. February 17, 1990 Ottawa Citizen. March 27, 1990 Ottawa Citizen. November 17, 1990 Ottawa Citizen. April 27, 1991 Ottawa Citizen. June 8, 1991 Ottawa Citizen. June 8, 1991 Ottawa Citizen. October 26, 1991 Ottawa Citizen. October 18, 1992 Ottawa Citizen. March 20, 1993 Ottawa Citizen. June 26, 1993  

Huntersfield and Town Walk by Iber in Greenboro

 Iber Homes largest development in Greenboro is Huntersfield, which includes the Town Walk Townhomes. The area features Iber's largest plans for both detached homes and townhomes. Ottawa Citizen. January 23, 1986 Ottawa Citizen. June 17, 1986 Ottawa Citizen. March 21, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. February 4, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. February 25, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. June 24, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. July 15, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. September 16, 1989 Ottawa Citizen. May 4, 1991 Ottawa Citizen. May 23, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. June 13, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. August  29, 1987 Ottawa Citizen. January 23, 1988 Ottawa Citizen. April 30, 1988 Ottawa Citizen. October 1, 1988 Ottawa Citizen. January 21, 1989