Campeau's Strathmore Towers When: The condo corporations were registered in 1976. Where: 1285 Cahill Drive (Tower A) and 3360 Southgate Road (Tower B). What I Know: Both towers are 21 stories tall and connected by a parking structure. Each building has an outdoor pool and landscaped grounds. Garden townhouses were built on the Southgate Road side of the complex in a layout that differs from the site plan below. The site plan also notes that there was a proposed tower site on the south side of Cahill Drive, where garden townhomes were built instead. As was common with Brutalist-style concrete towers at the time, the top floors appear to fan out due to the addition of larger balconies. The side walls of the buildings are windowless, with the stairwell bumping out on one side and bathrooms for the G and H plans on the other, creating vertical bands. As is also common of condominium apartments from the time, the units are generous in size. Each unit has an in-su...